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2015.04.09 19th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 24-26 June Liverpool

2015. április 9. Hírek

The 19th edition of the International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics will be held in Liverpool, June 24-26, 2015.

The success of the 19th IME depends on the participation of academics, practitioners and students. We are particularly interested in topics dealing with insurance risk models, pension mathematics, life and non-life insurance, social insurance, health insurance, solvency regulation, reinsurance, insurance products, applications of methodologies and/or results to actuarial science from other fields, such as probability and statistics, numerical analysis, finance, economics, operations research and risk management.

IME is one of the major international conferences in the area of insurance and actuarial science and as you might know the congress is associated with the leading actuarial science journal, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. The journal editors and most of the researchers in actuarial science will attend and give talks during the congress.

We are proud to announce that the IME2015 invited speakers are:

Soren Asmussen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Montserrat Guillen, University of Barcelona, Spain
Stephane Loisel, University of Lyon 1, France

Please find attached the poster for the conference. More information about the conference can be found at