2019.03.26 Új álláshirdetés (Risk manager)
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
As part the of the International Actuarial Association’s (IAA) support for the implementation of IFRS 17, we will be hosting a simultaneous live ninety minute event and Webinar to present some of the IAA’s initiatives in relation to IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. Darrell Scott, member of the International Accounting Standards Board, will provide background on the development of IFRS 17 as well as a status update.
Date and Time: April 3rd at Noon (London Time) / 11:00 AM (GMT) — Duration: 90 minute
Location: Milliman UK London Office, 11 Old Jewry, Third Floor (Map) – Space will be limited to 30 people (first come, first serve basis). To register for the physical meeting, please contact Christian Levac.
To register for the webinar, click here.
Introduction: Gábor Hanák, IAA President
Presentation by Darrell Scott, Member of the International Accounting Standards Board
International Actuarial Note 100 – Application of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts: Derek Wright and Dave Finnis, Co-Chairs, Education and Practice Subcommittee
International Standard of Actuarial Practice 4 (ISAP 4) – IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts: Micheline Dionne, Chair, ASC IFRS 17 Task Force
Question & Answer Period
To learn more about the work of the IAA in this area, please contact the Secretariat.
This activity supports the IAA’s strategic objectives to provide relevant supranational organizations with actuarial input and the development of the actuarial profession worldwide and promote appropriate professional/education standards.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
Several months have now passed since the 31st International Congress of Actuaries and the 1st Virtual International Congress of Actuaries were held. With a total of 2,260 registered users representing 105 countries and 170 hours of content the VICA was very well received by the actuarial community.
As you might know, due to the success of the VICA 2018 the German Association of Actuaries recently decided to continue with the idea of a global actuarial platform. From March 2019, the new streaming platform actuview will permanently offer digital actuarial content – either broadcasted live from international actuarial events, provided as recorded sessions from our partners or recorded as webcast by the actuarial community. The new platform – accessible via www.actuview.com – will include enhanced functionalities, such as a revised search function or PDF attachments to videos, as well as a completely redesigned layout. We are also happy to announce the first program highlight in 2019 – actuview users will be able to follow the full ECA 2019 live and as recorded session afterwards. Some first information on actuview can be found in the attached info sheet. More detailed information will be announced shortly.
Launching the new platform wouldn’t be possible without the help of a number of partners. RGA supports the platform as a sponsor for the year 2019. In addition, the Austrian Actuarial Society (AVÖ), the Swiss Association of Actuaries (SAV), the Dutch Actuarial Association (KAG) and the German Association of Actuaries (DAV) have already decided to support actuview as Institutional Partners. Members of these partner institutions can access the content of actuview without any further costs.
actuview is of course very committed to constantly expanding the group of participating content providers and users. If you are interested in the opportunities and packages or if you have any further questions, please contact Martin Oymanns (martin.oymanns@aktuar.de<6a>) in the DAV office.
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