Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2017.11.16 IAA Banking Working Group – Short Survey

Dear Member

The International Actuarial Association’s Banking Working Group (BWG) is conducting a 5-minute survey. The survey aims to capture the global view of actuaries working or interested in banking. It is being sent to a number of actuarial associations globally, to be completed by individual actuaries and students, to gain an understanding of this emerging practice area, internationally. The results will assist in shaping the work done by the BWG, as well as the strategic direction of the IAA.

The survey is ongoing and insights from preliminary results of the survey have been shared at the IAA meetings in Chicago in October 2017.

The survey can easily be completed on your mobile device. You can access the survey here:

Please complete as early as you can so that your responses can be captured and incorporated into the results.


Michael Tichareva
Chair, IAA BWG

2017.11.15. IAA Risk Book

We are writing to inform you of the availability of the IAA Risk Book for educational purposes.

Please see the attached letter of introduction to be forwarded to the audiences in your jurisdiction that you believe may have a strong interest in the concepts that are introduced. The letter summarizes the contents of this electronic Risk Book. Its opening paragraph identifies the five constituencies that may be appropriate audiences.

We think this is an excellent tool for practioners, regulators, industry associations, insurers and educators. We have spent several years developing it and will appreciate your promotion of its contents as well as providing comments back to the IAA for its further development.
If you have any questions, please contact Tom Herget at or Mary Hosford at

2017.11.08. Slides of the 14th Fall School

The slides of the Fall School can be found under They will be available at this link until the end of the Fall School.

2017.11.08 Keishi Hotsuki – Chief Risk Officer of Morgan Stanley – 2017. november 9., csütörtök, 17:45-től az ELTE-n

2017. november 9-en, csütörtökön, 17:45 órai kezdettel Keishi Hotsuki (Chief Risk Officer – Morgan Stanley) tart előadást

„Managing risk:The theory, the practice and how to manage your life in general” címmel (Bővebben: lásd csatolmany).

Helyszin: ELTE TTK – déli tömb – 0-805 (Fejér Lipót terem).

2017.10.31 EAA Seminar Validation of Technical Provisions under SII – An Actuarial Perspective 4/5 December 2017

Solvency II has come into force with the beginning of 2016. Thus all requirements of this new regulatory framework have to be implemented step by step by primary and reinsurance companies within the European Union. For the majority of these requirements various guidelines are published. Nevertheless, there are many uncertainties how to interpret the content of these guidelines, especially for smaller and mid-size companies, with regard to materiality and proportionality aspects.

Beneath calculation and reporting issues, Solvency II requires that a validation of the Technical Provision has to be performed and adequately documented by each legal entity (cf. Art. 264, 265 Delegated Acts). This validation activity has a linkage to pillar I, pillar II and also pillar III of the new solvency system. The seminar will provide a general overview on validation aspects. Starting with a summary of the existing regulatory framework, we will provide you helpful interpretations on the first day as well as several practical examples on how to manage the validation tasks on the second day.

All sessions will be a combination of lectures and interactive discussions.

Please find attached the seminar announcement draft.

2017.10.23 PRMIA konferencia – november 23

PRMIA magyarországi szervezete idén Budapesten rendezi a „Magyar kockázatkezelési kutatások legújabb eredményei” című, egésznapos konferenciáját.

Az ingyenes, de regiszrtárcióhoz kötött rendezvényre a Magyar Aktuárius Társaság tagjait is szívesen látjuk.

A tavalyi sikeres Szolvencia II konferencia tapasztalatai után bízunk benne, hogy ez a rendezvény is érdekes lesz az Önök számára.

A rendezvény programja és a jelentkezési lap itt található:

A rendezvény szakmai koordinátora Dömötör Barbara, PhD, a Corvinus Egyetem oktatója, aki tartalmi és szakmai kérdésekben szívesen áll a rendelkezésükre.

2017.10.18 IAA section news


Last Opportunity to Join this Outstanding Event in Barcelona, Spain!


Join us at the Colloquium “Long-Term Saving in an Ageing World”, run under the auspices of the International Actuarial Association — Life Section (IAALS) to be held in Barcelona, (Spain), 23 and 24 October 2017 and organized by the Col•legi d’Actuaris de Catalunya, (Catalan Actuaries Association).
The seemingly unstoppable growth in human life expectancy, which coupled with the current state of health and social services, has led to a remarkable rise in longevity right across the face of the Earth.
While this may be great news for mankind, it nevertheless lays down a major challenge to both private and public pension schemes, the life insurance industry as a whole and therefore the actuarial profession itself.
We are privileged to feature the participation of subject specialists, who will share their wisdom and insight on the theme: Dr. Nicholas Barr, Professor at the London School of Economics, Dr. Stéphane Loisel, Professor at the University of Lyon and Dr. Jens Perch Nielsen, Professor of Actuarial Science at City University London.
The Colloquium will provide participants unfamiliar with the city with an ideal opportunity to get to know Barcelona, now one of the world’s most visited metropolis, with its outstanding, cultural, leisure and gastronomic delights.

For more information on this amazing event, please visit


IACA Webinar: The Role of Actuaries in Public Policy
Please note: This is a FREE webinar
October 24, 2017 from 10:00am – 11:30am EDT

Hosted by the International Association of Consulting Actuaries (IACA) and the IAA Public Policy Task Force, this webinar will examine the meaning of public policy as it relates to the actuarial profession.
The webinar will feature examples of recent involvement by actuaries in the development and implementation of public policy, and will seek to identify potential target audiences.
Goals of the profession and its current image and desired image will be put under the spotlight.
The webinar will also address the challenges for actuaries striving to make an impact in the development of public policy.
Please join us for this webinar with an international panel, and an international audience!

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Joint IAAHS/AAA Webinar: End-of-Life Care in an Aging World
November 10, 2017 from 11:00am – 12:00pm EDT

End-of-life care is a challenging issue, but it is critical that the impact of changing demographics on health care systems is understood in the context of complex financial, social, public health, cultural, and ethical constraints. Using examples from Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Israel, India, and the Netherlands, this webinar will explore the increased health care costs of global aging, quality of life during the end-of-life period, palliative versus curative care, and stakeholder strategies for addressing the unique health care challenges at the end of life.

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IACA/PBSS Webinar: Valuation of Bermudan-DB-Underpin Option
November 17, 2017 from 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

The study of embedded options has grown importance in pension design, with many novel forms of hybrid plan being proposed to meet the needs of employees and sponsors. In 2002, the State of Florida introduced (temporarily) a switching hybrid plan, under which employees were given the option to convert their defined contribution (DC) plans to defined benefit (DB) plans. The cost of such a switch is calculated in terms of the accumulated benefit obligation (ABO), which is the present value of the accrued benefit. If the ABO is greater than the DC account, the employee is assumed to fund the difference. In this work we reconsider the switching hybrid plan, with additional downside protection for the employees. The new option is similar to the DB- Underpin hybrid design, also knowns as the floor-offset plan, but with a Bermudan-style exercise feature. We adopt an arbitrage-free pricing methodology to value the option, and specify the situation where early switch is not optimal.

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2017.10.18 AAE Board report to General Assembly

Quarterly Board Report to General Assembly of October 2017 elérhető a Szakma / AAE és IIA anyagai lapon.

2017.10.16 2017. évi MAT kirándulás

A 2017. évi MAT kirándulás időpontja 2017. október 28. A részletek a ’Rendezvények / MAT kirándulás’ oldalunkra kerültek fel, elérhető itt.

2017.10.12 Invitation for 19th Global Conference of Actuaries on 30th & 31st January, 2018

Greetings from Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI),

You might have received information about our signature event ‘Global Conference of Actuaries (GCA)’ from IAI, Marketing Manager, Ms. Binita Rautela.

IAI invites you, your team and your members to register for the GCA. IAI also request your good self to encourage your members to participate and present paper in the GCA.

To express interest for paper presentation, your members need to revert by 13-Oct-2017 EOD.

The details are as under;

Item Description
Name of the event 19th Global Conference of Actuaries (GCA)
Dates 30th & 31st January, 2018
Venue Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel
Conference Website Click Here
Registration link Click Here
Paper Submission Link Click Here
Last date for submitting Expression of Interest for Paper presentation 13-Oct-2017

We look forward to see you in the 19th GCA and paper presentations from your member;