Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2015.03.18. AAA seminar, Solvency II: where are we now – where are we going

As already announced the AAE will organise its first webinar on Friday 17 April 2015 from 11:00 – 12:30 CET.
The subject for this webinar will be the current status of Solvency II:
“Solvency II: where are we now – where are we going”.
The presentations will be given by Siegbert Baldauf and David Paul, both project managers of the Solvency II Project Team of the AAE.
In this webinar you will get a detailed overview of the current status of Solvency II legislation, implementation and outstanding discussions and there will be a possibility to forward questions to the presenters.
The registration procedure is now open on our website under “Members only” or through this link. Registrations are limited to 190 participants,

2015.03.16 European Congress of Actuaries 2016 – Block your diary

European Congress of Actuaries 2016 will take place on Thursday 21 April and Friday 22 April 2016 in Brussels.

2015.03.15 Új Álláshirdetés (Senior Research Fellow)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2015.03.04 AAE webinar on Solvency II

The AAE will organise its first webinar on Friday 17 April 2015 from 11:00 – 12:30 CET.

The subject for this webinar will be the current status of Solvency II:

“Solvency II: where are we now – where are we going”.

The presentations will be given by Siegbert Baldauf and David Paul, both project managers of the Solvency II Project Team of the AAE.

In this webinar you will get a detailed overview of the current status of Solvency II legislation, implementation and outstanding discussions and there will be a possibility to forward questions to the presenters.

Please block this date in your diary. Further announcements about the registration process will follow shortly.

2015.03.03 News from the AAE

The AAE is proud to announce two publications: a “Report on key issues for setting up national pension tracking services in six EU countries” and published a “Survey of Decumulation Regimes”.

The report (AAE Tracking Services) and the survey (AAE Decumulation Report) are attached as well as the corresponding press releases (AAE Tracking Services Press Release, AAE Decumulation Press Release).

All documents mentioned can also be downloaded from our website

2015.02.26 Új Álláshirdetés (Aktuárius biztosítási elemző)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2015.02.17 Akkreditált rendezvény

A ’Rendezvények/ Akkreditált rendezvények’ oldalunkra új akkreditált rendezvény került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt

2015.02.17. EAA Seminar „How to Set Up an Effective ORSA Process?” on 11/12 June 2015 in Milan

In cooperation with the Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, the EAA is offering the seminar „How to Set Up an Effective ORSA Process? – A Case Study for a Company Using the Standard Formula” on 11/12 June 2015 in Milan, Italy.

Capital and Risk management has always been a key activity for both Life/Health and Property & Casualty (i.e. Non-Life) Insurance companies and Groups. The new risk based regulations under Solvency II lead to new and more formal challenges in this area: This includes a much more formal risk management approach and the need for conducting an “Own Risk & Solvency Assessment” or the so called FLAOR. This seminar is an advanced seminar and is set up as a case study for companies who plan to fulfil the Solvency II Pillar 2 requirements with a standard formula. A good understanding of the standard formula approach and the basics of ORSA are required.

Based on a practical example, participants of this seminar/case study will learn how to solve key issues related to the ORSA and Enterprise Risk Management using a standard formula approach. Key focus will be given on how to assess the suitability of the standard formula and how to arrive to an overall solvency need (using combined quantitative and qualitative methods). How this overall solvency need can be used for setting up the risk strategy, defining risk appetite and limits and how the link to the business and strategy planning process can be practically achieved are other key questions to be solved in this course. The case study is based on the standard formula.

Register now and benefit from our attractive early-bird rate, which is € 790.00 plus 22% VAT until 11 April 2015! After this date, the fee will be € 970.00 plus 22% VAT.

Please find additional information attached and on our website incl. an online registration form. An overview on upcoming events is enclosed as well.

2015.02.17. Huszár Géza emlékest

A 2015. február 21-i Huszár Géza emlékest meghívója az alábbi linken érhető el.

2015.02.09. „Solvency II for Non-Life Actuaries” on 21/22 April 2015 in Dublin, Ireland

„Solvency II for Non-Life Actuaries” on 21/22 April 2015 in Dublin, Ireland.

Solvency II will apply starting from 1/1/2016 and hence will require all insurers to prepare for the upcoming tasks. Since 2014 the so called Solvency II preparatory phase is in force, guided by a number of preparatory guidelines issued by EIOPA.

This seminar will focus on Pillar 1, 2 and 3 topics of Solvency II that relate particularly to non-life insurance business. It will start by providing an overview of non-life related topics for each Pillar and then move towards covering the details with regard to non-life Technical Provisions, elements of the SCR (hereby primarily focussing on standard formula), USPs, Actuarial Function, ORSA and conclude on topics relating to reporting in QRTs, RSR and SFCR. All sessions will be a combination of lectures, short case studies/ group works and in particular will focus on pragmatic and practical solutions to the requirements that will be presented. Please note that this seminar will focus strongly on non-life insurance business, i.e. examples, case studies and lectures will be tailored to cover this primarily. Participants should have basic understanding of Solvency II.

All interested persons, such as actuaries, risk and capital managers, controllers from all types of insurance companies, consultants or supervisors, may profit from the attractive early-bird offer which is € 790.00 plus 23% VAT until 1 March 2015. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 23% VAT.

Please find additional information attached and on our website incl. an online registration form. An overview on upcoming events is enclosed as well.