Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2013.09.27 EAA seminar „Solvency II in a Nutshell”

2013. szeptember 27. Hírek

Please note that the early-bird deadline for our EAA seminar „Solvency II in a Nutshell” on 9/10 December 2013 in Budapest is coming up: The early-bird registration fee is € 790.00 plus 27 % VAT until 9 October 2013. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 27 % VAT.

The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with an in-depth introduction to all aspects of Solvency II, covering capital requirements (Pillar 1), governance and risk management requirements (Pillar 2), and reporting and disclosure requirements (Pillar 3).

Please find additional information and a registration form on EAA website.

Akkreditált óraszám: 11.5