Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2013.11.06 Discount Rates in Financial Reporting

2013. november 6. Hírek

The IAA is pleased to announce the successful completion of our Educational Monograph on Discount Rates.

Determination of Discount Rates is clearly a key topic today and will continue to be well into the future. The use of discount rates applies to most actuarial calculations.

The educational monograph addresses the concepts and practical methods that are being used in the application of the discounting process for the purpose of financial reporting for (1) insurance companies and (2) pension and employee benefits obligations on the sponsor entity. It provides a number of case studies based on real life examples as performed globally by actuaries, insurance companies, and pension plan sponsors.

Kurt Wolfsdorf, President of the International Actuarial Association, stated “Publication of this monograph on discount rates is a key milestone. The monograph addresses how actuaries are applying professional judgement when selecting discount rates for the determination of the present value of liability cash flows in our current challenging environment. It takes a global perspective on how they are assessing risk free discount rates, credit risk, liquidity risk as well as sovereign risk. These challenging topics are explored. In addition real practical case studies are provided. A must read for anyone in the field!”
You can order your copy online.