Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2015.07.13 Introducing a Standardized Pan-European Personal Pension Product – Public Event – 7 September 2015 – Frankfurt

2015. július 13. Hírek

​​EIOPA has the pleasure to announce its 3rd event on “Introducing a Pan-European Personal Pension Product”, taking place on 7 September 2015 in Frankfurt.

This year’s event will be a unique opportunity to actively contribute to EIOPA’s work in this field. Indeed, the Authority is about to commence consulting stakeholders to gather views on the elements of a future, standardised product for individual retirement savings in Europe.

Participants will not only hear about EIOPA’s proposal for a PEPP and concrete plans at European level to foster the supply of long-term financing , but will also have the opportunity to contribute their own thoughts while hearing the views of current or future contributors to EIOPA’s consultation.

Several interactive sessions will round off the day, focusing on the measures to introduce a second regime for PEPPs: including mandatory, flexible, but also consumer protection elements. An innovative room setup will provide enough room for interaction among high-level speakers and the audience.

Details on the programme and speakers will be published soon on the dedicated EIOPA web page.

In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact EIOPA’s events team at

The event is free of charge.

Please note that seating capacity for this event is limited and we might have to restrict attendance. We will send confirmations soon after the registration deadline.

Deadline for registration is 10 August 2015.