Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2015.12.01 ECA2016 Registration now open

2015. december 1. Hírek

I am delighted to inform you that today we have opened the registration for our congress ECA2016, that will take place from 21-22 April 2016 in Brussels.
You will find all necessary information on the congress website:
We will keep you posted on new developments through this website (under news) and you can also follow us on twitter @InfoAAE.
If you require any additional information or if you have any remaining questions, please let us know by e-mail.

Please bring this ECA2016 information under the attention of your colleagues and individual members!
Through you we want to reach all 21,000 European actuaries!