Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2016.03.19 EAA Seminar „Modern Methods for Operational and Reputational Risks” on 23/24 June 2016 in Dublin.

2016. március 19. Hírek

Operational and reputational risks are part of pillar I and II in the Solvency II regime. Currently supervisors start investigating Pillar II deeper and clearly require including operational and reputational risks as well. The interest is also driven by the high loss events in the banking sector, causing concerns regarding the stability of the financial system with the European Stability Review Board, which is setting the topics for the European Supervisors.

Except for the banking industry, we also see significant changes in laws and regulations regarding the (life) insurance industry. Regulatory standards are still implemented. Legal claims in the financial industry have increased in both volume and impact.

This is why we offer the seminar „Modern Methods for Operational and Reputational Risks” on 23/24 June 2016 in Dublin in cooperation with The Society of Actuaries in Ireland.

In this training, we will focus on operational risk, the big cases, impact on the insurance industry and the magnitude of legal and reputational risk.

The seminar is relevant for all actuaries, who are involved or interested in enterprise risk management or Own Risk Self Assessments. This training is especially suitable as a CPD for CERA all over Europe as well.

Do you want to stay up to date in operational and reputational risks? Then do not hesitate and benefit from our attractive early-bird registration fee of € 790.00 plus 23% VAT. Just register online until 23 April 2016. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 23% VAT.

Please find additional information attached and on our website incl. an online registration form. You may also find an overview on upcoming events enclosed.