2020.02.07. Early bird offer: EAA Seminar: „Understanding IFRS 17” on 20/21 April 2020 in Budapest, Hungary
Are you an actuary (or specialised accountant and controller with a quantitative background) involved in valuation, controlling, auditing and consulting, and interested in financial reporting according to IFRS?
If yes, book now to secure your place at our EAA seminar „Understanding IFRS 17” which is organised on 20/21 April 2020 in Budapest, Hungary, in co-operation with the Magyar Aktuárius Társaság!
After almost 20 years of debates, outreach and Exposure Drafts, the IASB has finally published the new IFRS 17 standard for Insurance Contracts in 2017. The new standard will become effective on 1 January 2022 and will fundamentally change the way insurance companies present their obligations and their financial performance stemming from insurance contracts. Consequently, IFRS 17 has triggered major implementation projects at all insurance and reinsurance companies affected – and no company can afford to waste time!
A strong focus of this seminar lies on the accounting framework in which actuaries operate. It will address the specifics of all relevant insurance lines of business and highlight key conceptual topics and options the standard offers for implementation. It will refer to the transition period as well. The seminar will be useful for both finance and actuarial experts who are involved in IFRS 17 implementation or who are interested in the practical application of this ground-breaking new standard.
The early bird price is € 840.00 plus 27% VAT for registrations by 20 February 2020. Book now to benefit from this attractive offer! After this date, the fee will be € 990.00 plus 27% VAT.
Please find all additional information in this print version as well as on our website. An overview on other upcoming events can be downloaded as well.