Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2020.05.21. actunews May 2020 / aoc 2020 Call for Presentations / Sections Virtual Colloquium 2020

2020. május 21. Hírek

Find attached the latest issue of our actunews

Call for Presentations – actuview online conference 2020
As one of the next highlights for your members and all actuview users, we will host the actuview online conference 2020 with the theme “future | actuary” on actuview in September 2020. The Call for Presentations is open until 15 June 2020. We would very much welcome your support in making your members, communities and potential speakers aware of this call. Of course, institutional contributions from your associations, committees and affiliated institutions are highly encouraged. All details can be found in the attachment.

Sections Virtual Colloquium 2020
All recordings (including the live sessions) of last week´s Sections Virtual Colloquium 2020 are online.
Members can find the 85 sessions under the following link: