Új álláshirdetés – IFRS 17 Senior aktuárius
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
This week, also the regular Call for Presentations of the aoc 2020 “future | actuary” has ended. Nevertheless, we are still open to institutional contributions and would be more than happy to have you on board as well. So, if you would like to join us in
September, e.g. with a presentation from your Education and / or Professionalism Committees, please send us your request until 30 June via the following online submission form: https://podio.com/webforms/24428070/1783050
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
The past months have been a challenge for everyone, as the situation due to COVID-19 affected us in all aspects: While we worried about our loved ones, our social lives were reduced to our immediate household members. Parents had to (and some still have to!) home-school their kids while working from home. In this context, we hope that you are doing well and that you are enjoying the first steps of loosened restrictions!
After several months of not being able to meet, we would be pleased to see you again in person at our seminars! The EAA – European Actuarial Academy offers a broad variety of actuarial hot topics in autumn 2020. Register now for the seminars below and benefit from the early-bird discounts.
Of course we will continue watching the developments closely. If the situation due to COVID-19 does not permit seminars in autumn, we will attempt to offer alternatives such as web seminars where possible.
„CERA, Module: B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks” 7-11 September 2020 in Düsseldorf |
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„Modern Product Development in Life” 21/22 September 2020 in Helsinki |
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„Cyber Risk and Cyber Insurance” 1/2 October 2020 in Copenhagen |
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„Capital Generation and Latest Solvency II Developments” 5/6 October 2020 in Cologne |
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„Understanding IFRS 17” 19/20 October 2020 in Dublin |
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„Actuarial Department of the Future (P&C Only)” 2/3 November 2020 in Copenhagen |
Details |
EAA Forum: „Managing Risk & Capital in a Volatile World: Business Game for the Insurance Industry” 3/4 December 2020 in Zurich |
Details |
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetések kerültek fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.
Find attached the latest issue of our actunews
Call for Presentations – actuview online conference 2020
As one of the next highlights for your members and all actuview users, we will host the actuview online conference 2020 with the theme “future | actuary” on actuview in September 2020. The Call for Presentations is open until 15 June 2020. We would very much welcome your support in making your members, communities and potential speakers aware of this call. Of course, institutional contributions from your associations, committees and affiliated institutions are highly encouraged. All details can be found in the attachment.
Sections Virtual Colloquium 2020
All recordings (including the live sessions) of last week´s Sections Virtual Colloquium 2020 are online.
Members can find the 85 sessions under the following link: