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2015.10.01 IAA News Release: IAA Organizes Joint Discussion Forum with ILO and ISSA in Budapest – September 14-15, 2015

A seven-person IAA delegation participated in a joint discussion forum on social security, pensions, and labor policy issues with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in Budapest, Hungary. In total, 14 participants from these three organizations engaged in very intense and focused discussions spanning two days. The first session, led by the IAA, focused on: · Updates from the IAA, ILO, and ISSA on topics of mutual interest. · Practical implications of implementing the International Standard of Actuarial Practice 2. · ISSA-ILO Guidelines on Actuarial Work for Social Security. · ISSA work on adequacy of benefits and the megatrends projects highlighting input and comments from different IAA working groups on the climate change and demographic Megatrends reports. · The IAA Population Issues Working Group paper on retirement age, which will be presented at a seminar in Vancouver, Canada on 14 October. · ILO and International Monetary Fund (IMF) work on social protection floors. · Post-2015 sustainable development goals and financing for social development, database and tools. · Mortality improvement rates—impact of assumptions on adequacy. · Work of ILO on adequacy of social security provisions and theoretical replacement rate, and on employment injury insurance in low income countries and global supply chains. · Work of the Actuarial Association of Europe. The second session, led by the ILO, featured presentations and discussions on: · Background and purpose of a methodological paper on the assessment of pension liabilities. · Objectives and proposed approaches of measuring Pensions Liabilities for the purpose of government financial statements and reporting on government finance statistics. · Key considerations of IMF methodology. · Addressing limitations of the proposed methodology to reconcile objectives of social insurance pension funding and national accounting. · National social insurance pension schemes and international organizations. The second part of the forum included participation by representatives from OECD and Eurostat, as well as from some several individual countries. This forum is part of an ongoing collaboration and discussion between these organizations that has taken place over the past few years. It supports the IAA’s strategic objective to strengthen relationships with key supranational audiences and provide actuarial input to improve the soundness of decisions being made on issues with global impact. The forum also provided an opportunity to identify areas for future collaboration between the IAA and the participating organizations which included inviting the IAA to give further consideration to the issues regarding accounting for social benefits in government accounts and government statistics, and to provide comments to the ISSA and ILO on the Guidelines on Actuarial Work for Social Security. IAA attendees Rob Brown, Immediate Past President of the IAA, Assia Billig, Vice-Chairperson of the IAA Social Security Committee, and Chris Daykin, Immediate Past Chairman of PBSS extended their stay in Budapest to participate in the widely attended ISSA International Conference. To learn more about the work of the IAA in this area, please contact the Supranational Relations Manager at the IAA Secretariat.

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2015.09.29 Új álláshirdetés (Aktuárius)

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2015.09.28 MAT 2015. évi Őszi iskolája

Meghívó Program

2015.09.28 September 2015 IAA Newsletter

The September 2015 IAA Newsletter has now been issued.

2015.09.28 New EAA Seminar „European Product Development” on 23/24 November 2015 in Munich, Germany

The recent past has been dominated by more defensive topics such as risk management and new solvency regimes. Partially and sometimes the core service of an insurance company, the product, was not in the focus of the discussions as it could have been. Actually, it is the product and all its related features and processes that bears and generates the risks and in the end it is the product that generates new business and profits. Knowledge on products and their impact on different levels and dimensions is essential!

Therefore the upcoming seminar “European Product Development” on 23/24 November 2015 in Munich, Germany focuses on products and their impact. The aim of this 2-day seminar is to present a broad overview on product and product development topics and to deepen some selected topics. It focuses on core aspects such as design, investments, implementation, controlling and profitability. Besides that the seminar also covers strategical considerations and soft skills which are elementary and key to success for running a project and completing an implementation of a strategy effectively and successfully.

The seminar is designed for actuaries, actuarial trainees and professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in product development (projects) or who have touch points with product development and products, such as product development actuaries, product managers, risk managers, asset managers, marketing managers, actuarial controller, supervisors and auditors.

We recommend to register until 11 October 2015 in order to benefit from our early-bird registration fee, which is € 790.00 plus 19 % VAT. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 19 % VAT.

Please find all additional information attached and a registration form on our website. An overview on further upcoming events is enclosed as well.

2015.09.28 Új álláshirdetés (Kockázatkezelési vezető)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2015.09.22 „Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to Practical Implementation of Modern Techniques in R” on 26/27 November 2015 in Paris, France

We would like to draw your attention to the new EAA seminar „Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to Practical Implementation of Modern Techniques in R” on 26/27 November 2015 in Paris. The aim of this seminar is to present the actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing. It is a strong introduction to these techniques and will be followed in the next few months by an advanced seminar of the EAA.

Non-Life insurance is facing a lot of challenges ranging from fierce competition on the market or evolution in the distribution channel used by the consumers to evolution of the regulatory environment (Solvency II, IFRS…).

Pricing is the central link between solvency, profitability and market shares (volume). Improving pricing practice encompasses several dimensions:

· Technical: is our pricing adequate to cover the underlying cost of risk of my policyholders and the other costs we are facing? Which are the key variables driving the risk? Are they adequately taken into account in our pricing?

· Competition: at what price will we attract the segments that we target and price out those that we don’t want? Is the positioning of our competitors influencing our pricing practice?

· Elasticity: what (new) price are our existing customers prepared to accept?

· Segmentation: is our segmentation granular enough for our purposes?

The seminar will alternate between methodological concepts, practical examples and case studies in order to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to apply in the R software concepts they will have learned in the theoretical sessions, using fictitious data. They will adjust GLM models, understand how results should be interpreted, perform statistical (significance) tests, etc. Examples will be provided for standard lines of business (e.g. MTPL and Fire).

On the basis of a realistic database, the participants will have to propose an appropriate pricing structure taking into account the characteristics of the portfolio and possibly marketing constraints. The seminar will start with a half day introduction to R so that no specific knowledge of this software is required.

The seminar is specially developed for non-life actuaries or statisticians working in product development or risk management departments. Interested participants can benefit from an attractive early-bird offer which is € 790.00 plus 20 % VAT until 28 September 2015. After this date the fee will be € 970.00 plus 20% VAT.

Please find additional information attached and on our website incl. an online registration form. An overview on upcoming events is enclosed as well.

2015.09.21 Új álláshirdetés (junior aktuárius)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2015.08.24 Új álláshirdetés (aktuárius)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2015.08.16 Új álláshirdetés (aktuárius)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.