Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2020.02.03. Invitation to a Course on Risk Management in Insurance at Salzburg University

The Salzburg Institute of Actuarial Studies is pleased to be sending out information for the course on Risk Management in Insurance (Application of Solvency II and new principles in the context of value based and risk oriented management) taking place at Salzburg University from 15th to 18nd April 2020.

The course will spend the first two days focusing on value based and risk oriented management, covering everything from the regulatory framework and the economic balance sheet to state-of-the-art practices and processes in risk management.

A one and a half day workshop will then follow dealing with the challenges faced by the insurance industry today. Participants can work with their own laptops to achieve hands-on solutions.

The course is suited to all those who want to acquire knowledge of risk management in insurance. Due to the updates of Solvency II and the introduction of new standards, the course differs significantly from previous lectures.

For continuing professional development (CPD) the course counts as 21 hours.

Please find the invitation and registration forms attached.

2020.02.03. EAA Seminar „Modern Product Development in Life” on 8/9 June 2020 in Helsinki, Finland

Are you looking for a brief overview on the life product landscape and its evolution?
Would you like to discuss different product techniques with experts and gain insights in the future of life product development?
Are you interested in accelerating your life product development projects?

If yes, our seminar „Modern Product Development in Life” on 8/9 June 2020 in Helsinki, Finland, is perfect for you.

The two-day seminar deals with product development of life insurance products (i.e. saving and retirement products as well as risk products).

Day 1 starts with an overview on current life product landscape and its evolution over the past decades. We will discuss basic life insurance products for savings and retirement. Thereby, we will focus on the general product technique as well as on the major performance drivers. After that, we will have a deep dive into the area of assets and investments dedicated and eligible for life insurance products. In the end of day 1, we will discuss some enhancements of basic life insurance products as well as some new approaches.

Day 2 starts with risk products and potential enhancements in the digital age. Then we will turn our attention to major aspects of modern product development projects. Here we cover topics like digitization, user experience and agile development. In the afternoon, we wrap up major aspects of the seminar in a live demo. This showpiece will demonstrate how fast and flexible modern product development projects can or better “should” be.

The early-bird registration fee is € 840.00 plus 24% VAT for bookings by 8 April 2020. After this date, the fee will be € 990.00 plus 24% VAT.

Please find all additional information in this print version as well as on our website where you will find the registration form. An overview on other upcoming events can be downloaded as well.

2020.01.17. Idei rendezvények save the date

Az idei MAT rendezvények dátumai és helyszínei a következők:

 év   dátum  rendezvény   város  helyszín
 2020  11.13-14  Őszi iskola  Siófok  Prémium Hotel Panoráma 
 2020  09.15  MATinee  Budapest  Corvin Hotel 
 2020  05.21-23  Tavaszi szimpózium   Mezőkövesd   Balneo Hotel Zsori Thermal & Wellness 
 2020  01.31.  újévi vacsora  Budapest  Földes Józsi Vendéglője


2020.01.15. MAT Újévi Vacsora 2020 Meghívó

Hagyományos újévi vacsoránkat a hagyományos, éveleji időponthoz képest kicsit később, 2020. január 31-én (péntek) tartjuk.
Ez az esemény remek alkalom arra, hogy ritkán látott barátaiddal, volt kollégáiddal, csoporttársaiddal egy kellemes vacsora mellett kötetlenül beszélgess, és Veled is tudjunk szót váltani. Így részvételedre feltétlenül számítunk!

A vacsora időtartama során lehetőséged lesz arra is, hogy csatlakozz a korábbi rendezvényen nagy sikert aratott kvízjátékhoz.

Helyszín: Földes Józsi Vendéglője
1023 Budapest, Bécsi út 31.
A vacsora kezdési időpontja: 18:30.
Parkolási lehetőség a környező utcákban, az időszaknak megfelelő parkolási díj ellenében (18:00 után ingyenes).

Részvételi díj: 7 480 Ft/fő, mely magában foglalja a welcome pezsgőt, a háromfogásos vacsorát, illetve korlátlan üdítő-, ásványvíz- és kávéfogyasztását. Egyéb italokért külön kell fizetni.

Jelentkezni az alábbi linken tudtok:

Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. január 24.
Ezen időpontig tudjátok módosítani, törölni a jelentkezéseket. Az ezt követően hiába törlitek a jelentkezéseteket, a részvételi díjat akkor is ki kell fizetni.

Befizetés: banki átutalással a Magyar Aktuárius Társaság számlaszámára:

A banki átutalás közlemény rovatába írd be, hogy V/2020!

Az adminisztráció megkönnyítése érdekében kérjük, hogy a banki átutaláson szerepeljen:
– a jelentkező neve (keresztneve is), illetve
– amennyiben kér ÁFÁ-s számlát, annak a cégnek a neve, amelyre a számlát kéri.

A részvételi díjról a számlát elektronikus úton, a jelentkezés lezárását követően küldi ki a MAT a jelentkezéskor regisztrált email címre.

2020.01.13. IAA Webinar on ISAP 4 on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts


On 21 November 2019, the Council of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) adopted the Model International Standard of Actuarial Practice 4 (ISAP 4) on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. This is a model standard intended for adoption by actuarial standard-setting bodies, as appropriate.

The Actuarial Standards Committee (ASC) of the IAA will host a webinar to present the key aspects of ISAP 4 to IAA Member Associations, Actuarial Standard Setters and other interested parties, and to highlight the benefits of adopting it locally, as appropriate.

Considering the wide geographic spread of the IAA Member Associations, the webinar is offered at two different times on 6 February 2020 (duration will be approximately 1 hour each session) to maximize participation. The IAA invites its Member Associations, Actuarial Standard Setters and other interested parties to join this webinar to get a better understanding of ISAP 4 and to raise any questions they may have.

To register for the webinar please click on your preferred option:

Option 1: 12:00 noon GMT on Thursday, 6 February 2020 (click here to check your local time) OR
Option 2: 21:00 GMT on 6 February 2020 (click here to check your local time)

The presenters will be Micheline Dionne, Chair of the ISAP 4 Task Force, Luc Farmer, ASC Liaison to the ISAP 4 Task Force. The webinars will be moderated by Andrew Chamberlain, Chair of the ASC, and Greg Martin, Co-Vice-Chair of the ASC.

You may send any questions in advance by e-mail to

2020.01.10. WG: EAA Seminar: „Cyber Risk and Cyber Insurance” on 11/12 May 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Over the past years, technological advances have greatly increased our dependency on digital technology. As a result, consumers and businesses alike have become vulnerable to any form of distortion of their digital infrastructure. Due to the intangible nature and quickly changing character, risk managers face a formidable challenge to effectively manage this ‘cyber risk’. One of the possible mitigation measures is to buy cyber risk insurance, which may cover a plethora of expenses related to incidents in the digital realm. Insurers, and the risk managers and actuaries working for them, play a dual role in the cyber insurance industry, both offering cyber insurance solutions as well as being exposed to cyber risk in their own organisation.

Therefore join our seminar „Cyber Risk and Cyber Insurance” which is organised on 11/12 May 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark, in co-operation with Den Danske Aktuarforening!

In this seminar, we will explore both roles of the insurer. Various aspects of cyber risk and cyber insurance will be discussed, including current modelling methodologies, risk management approaches and cyber risk treatment. After attending the seminar, participants will be familiar with the threat, vulnerability and insurance landscapes and will have been provided with ideas how to approach cyber risk in their own organization, with a focus on quantification, people aspects and the process of cyber incident response.

The presentations will form a mix of an explanation of cyber risk concepts and an exploration of technical methodologies. Besides being provided with the theoretical basis, attendees are offered the opportunity to deepen their understanding through examples, exercises and case studies.

The early-bird registration fee is € 840.00 plus 25% VAT for bookings by 11 March 2020. After this date, the fee will be € 990.00 plus 25% VAT.

Please find all additional information in this print version as well as on our website where you will find the registration form. An overview on other upcoming events can be as well.

2019.12.19. Új álláshirdetés (Non-Life senior actuary)

A ’Társaság / Álláshirdetések’ oldalunkra új álláshirdetés került fel. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2019.12.13. Save the date: MAT újévi vacsora

Hagyományos újévi vacsoránkat nem hagyományos időben, 2020. január 31-én (péntek) tartjuk.

Helyszín: Földes Józsi Vendéglője
1023 Bp. Bécsi út 31.
A vacsora kezdési időpontja: 18:30 óra.
A jelentkezés részleteiről később küldünk tájékoztatást.

2019.11.22. MAT szeminárium: Multiple state models for critical illness policy

Várunk mindenkit az ELTE TTK Valószínűségelméleti és Statisztika Tanszék és a Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Biztosításmatematika szemináriumára 2019. november 26-án 17:45-kor.

Részletek a ‘Rendezvények / MAT szervezés / MAT szeminárium ’ oldalunkon. Az oldal elérhető itt.

2019.11.22. EAA Seminars CERA, Modules C+D: „Processes in ERM” and „ERM – Economic Capital”, March 2020, Barcelona, Spain

The European Actuarial Academy is one of the main providers of actuarial education – especially when it comes to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The concept of ERM has gained significant momentum in the insurance industry and beyond. In this context, we offer a series of four training courses and exams (through DAV) to all actuaries who want to deepen their knowledge in Enterprise Risk Management and gain the international ERM-credential CERA.

We would like to draw your attention to two CERA seminars scheduled for spring 2020:

CERA, Module C: Processes in ERM on 9/10 March 2020 in Barcelona, Spain

This seminar deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes in practice. Experienced speakers present and discuss examples from practice, eg. how to define an organisation’s risk strategy, risk appetite, risk tolerances and limits, and of course discuss how business strategy influences risk strategy and show their necessary interaction. In a detailed case study in non-life insurance, we demonstrate the close relationship between ERM and Value and Risk Based Management. We give examples how financial and other risks influence the selection of strategy, and we show how ERM can be appropriately imbedded in an entity’s strategic planning and discuss the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment.

The seminar fee for this CERA seminar module C is € 850 plus 21% VAT.

CERA, Module D: ERM – Economic Capital on 11/12 March 2020 in Barcelona, Spain

The seminar is concerned with the question of economic capital in corporate management. Key aspects are

economic valuation and performance
economic steering
key performance indicators
value based management
A simplified case study for a life insurer shows in a nutshell the central aspects of corporate management in practice. The course consists of lectures and workshops. Participants are encouraged to bring their own topics to discussion.

The seminar fee for this CERA seminar module D is € 850 plus 21% VAT.

Please find all additional information in this print version for Processes in ERM and for ERM – Economic Capital as well as on our website where you will find the registration forms. An overview on other upcoming events can be downloaded as well. Please be aware that the CERA credential can only be obtained by members of Award Signatory associations of the CERA Global Association. In case of questions please also contact your local actuarial association.