Magyar Aktuárius Társaság Hungarian Actuarial Society International Actuarial Association Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen

2019.07.26. Invitation to a Course on Fundamental Statistical Methods in Actuarial Data Science at Salzburg University

2019. július 26. Hírek

The Salzburg Institute of Actuarial Studies is pleased to be sending out information for the course on Fundamental Statistical Methods in Actuarial Data Science taking place at Salzburg University from 25th to 28nd September 2019.

Against the background of digital transformation and new technological possibilities, the insurance industry and especially actuaries face the challenge of successfully integrating analytical procedures and methods of data science into existing business models or developing new innovative business models.

The course, with emphasis on a practical and data-oriented approach, is designed not only for actuarial students, but also addresses experienced actuaries.

For continuing professional development (CPD) the course counts as 21 hours. Please find attached the invitation and registration forms.