MAT Webmester

“Reinsurance under IFRS17 for Life & Health” on 5 April 2022

5 APRIL 2022 @ 9:00 – 12:45 CET 2022 is the first year of full application of the new IFRS17 standard. Insurers are now fully engaged in implementation. The focus of the preparations has been on Insurance Contracts Issued whilst the treatment of Reinsurance Held has not received much attention. Would you like to gain insights […]

“Reinsurance under IFRS17 for Life & Health” on 5 April 2022 Read More »

AAE Webinar: The added value of Social Security actuaries

In what way is actuaries’ advice considered in policy decision-making in Member States? 14 DECEMBER 2021 @ 10:00 – 12:00 CET Organised by the AAE Social Security Subcommittee.

AAE Webinar: The added value of Social Security actuaries Read More »

EAA Web Session: “IFRS 17 – Challenges in the Derivation of the Risk Adjustment and its Confidence Level”

Under IFRS 17, the Risk Adjustment is intended to measure the compensation that the entity requires for bearing the uncertainty associated with the amount and timing of the cash flows that arises from non-financial risk. The IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment creates challenges for both life and P&C (re)insurers such as how to estimate it and

EAA Web Session: “IFRS 17 – Challenges in the Derivation of the Risk Adjustment and its Confidence Level” Read More »

ISAP4 szabvány honosítása

Tisztelt MAT tagok és érdekelt felek! Az ISAP4 honosításával kapcsolatban új információ került ki a honlapra (, mely a „ISAP4 (IFRS17 szabvány honosításához dokumentumok konzultáció céljából)” cím alatt található.   1. 1A Magyar Aktuárius Társaság az Az aktuárius szakmai ajánlások elfogadásának rendje (2016) alapján megkezdte az ISAP4 honosítását. 2. 2. Az 1.§. 1.2 pontja alapján

ISAP4 szabvány honosítása Read More »