More than 350 experts and executives from all over Europe are expected to join the next European Congress of Actuaries (ECA 2021) in Madrid on June 3 and 4, 2021. As a participant, you can look forward to a challenging and varied conference program – with interesting technical presentations, renowned guest speakers and a country-specific social program.
On behalf of the Program Committee of next year´s congress, I would like to invite and encourage you as well to use this opportunity to present latest results from your committees and / or your personal field of work. You can apply for the recently announced Call for Papers via www.eca2021.eu until October 31st.
Topics from all sectors are open for submission – ideally linked to future trends and challenges for our profession:
Emerging Risks: Identification, Taxonomy and Mitigation
Data Science and Data Ethics
Manage Uncertainty in Data
Wider Use of Actuarial Skills
Back to the Roots: New Approaches in Traditional Field
And further relevant actuarial topics …
All information and instructions to submit an application can be found on the event website www.eca2021.eu. Please also feel free to share the Call for papers with your personal professional network.
More information on www.actuarial-academy.com